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2 problems after assembly

#11 Sheeba
... ok you have to use the setting for Cam1_int_HW for your wiring in any case. As you wrote, your problem "Camera can not be operated" is solved.
Can you describe your tests more accurately!
Set the setting back to int_HW and trigger in Single Exposure Mode. What happens then. Make several trips !!
Then please send me your settings for the TL you want to do.
I have not yet tested the setting for Cam1_int_HW with a Canon D200. This may not work with this camera. Then you would have to go to the option ext_HW and install the necessary transistors.
How did you set the Pre Focus Time (Setup)?
If 0, try 0.2 or higher !!
#12 physek
Ok, im back with that setup. So here is the result of Single Exposure Mode. Everything was on default settings. Fired, nothing,Fired,Fired, nothing, nothing, Fired, nothing.
#13 Sheeba
Did you check and set Pre Focus Time?
#14 physek
What about it? Smile
#15 physek
long prefocustime = 0; // Time for pre focus
#16 physek
I changed it in PT to 0,1 and it works now! Should i change it also in code?
#17 Sheeba
.. sorry for my late reply. If I understand correctly, you have changed the Pre Focus time in the Setup Menu to 0.1 Sec and it works now! Some cameras need a focus before triggering !! So also the D200
You do not have to change anything in the code. The setting in the setup menu is saved and read out and used the next time the PT is started.
Glad it worked.
Regards, Hans
#18 Sheeba
Hi Peter,
I would like to write you a PM or email, but you did not unlock it in your account. If this is ok for you, uncheck the option to receive PM or Emails in your account:
in your account under User CP> Your Profile> Edit Options
and !! coud you fix your problem with the Display contrast?
Thanks, Hans
#19 physek
Hi Hans,

sure, just send me an e-mail : physek@email.cz

...also check out: