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Inclusion of subdirs in a project

#1 Alberto Fanelli
Hello everybody,
I have a sequence of photos of a very long timelapse (more than 1 year of shooting, 1 picture every 30 mins) and the structure of the RAW files are as shown in the figure herebelow:

I wolud like to tell LRtimelpase to use the parent directory as the start of my project and to include all the photos in the subdirs.

Is this possible? I was not able to do it.

Any help is most welcomed.

PS: I would also like to use LRT to re-edit my 9 years long timelapse!
#2 Gunther
Hi Alberto, that's not possible. In LRT you need to have each timelapse in one folder.
That means, if you really want to process all of those images alltogether, you'd need to copy them into one folder.
In Windows this is quite easy: just use the search field in explorer to search for *.jpg or *.whateverextensionyourfileshave, then you'll get a large list of the files in the subdirectory. Now you can move them into one single folder.
If it's more than 10000 you might want to consider to split them into 2 or 3 sub sequences for faster processing.
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