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really little bugs

#1 screamer
today (and only one time) lrtimelapse wont started. IT gave me as error something like "java task could'nt start". But was just a time, then i retried and it works again. don't know why, but probably something java related on my machine, more than a LRTimelapse bug.

Last thing, but very little "issue" (i don't know if call it an issue) about pc version. When you are in fullscreen and close the program, the next time you open the software, it goes in windowed mode using as dimensions the fullscreen dimensions, instead of starting in the previous windowed dimension or really fullscreen.

really this is'nt an important thing, and absolutely a secondary thing. Based on my observation, when you close LRTimelapse it remembers the dimension and the positioning of it's window in every state it is.
Instead, it should remember the windowed dimension and position (so when you restart it it start at that position).
Of coure used in a window, and then closed, will preserve the window dimension/position for the next time.
i don't know if i explained well the "issue" Smile
#2 Gunther
Hi, thank you for reporting. The window state will be remembered in the next version.
All the best
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#3 screamer
Thank you for the fast response, such a fantastic software, with a fantastic support, great work

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