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Removal of blurring with Deshaker

#1 Loki
[size=x-large]Removal of blurring with Deshaker[/size]

Some of you may know the problem that the camera tripod wobbles in the wind.
I had this problem on my last time lapse. Here to see the blurred result:

After this bad result I was looking on the internet for a solution and I found --> Deshaker.
This is the result with Deshaker:

I found the results really well, so now I write a little guide to remove blurring with Deshaker.

How I did it:
1st Normal editing with Lightroom and LRTimelapse
2nd Edited photos saved as jpeg--> Here you must choose the Custom Sequence(I do not know how it is correctly called in the english version of lightroom).
It is important that the photos are numbered-->we need this later in Virtualdub

- download Virtualdub
- download Deshaker--> http://www.guthspot.se/video/files/Deshaker30.zip
unzip the file and move it into the plugin folder in Virtualdub
- install the Xvid codec ---> http://www.xvid.org/Downloads.15.0.html

Open Virtualdub and set the framerate
Menu Options -> Preferences -> Images
Default frame rate to 25.000 (or what you want)

Loading the photos
Menu File -> Open video file
File type Image Sequence
Here you select the first image with the foldername 1 and select ok.
The all other images in the folder are automatically loaded.

select Deshaker:
Menu Video -> Filters -> Add-> Deshaker3.0-> ok
Now you see a new window
(I haven´t changed the settings and click ok)
Now you see the window with the filter: Deshaker3.0 (Pass1) and click ok

Now you can adjust the window size of the two preview windows by a right click ----> for example: Zoom 25%

Analyze the photos:
Click on Play0 (bottom left corner) -> now you see two preview windows (the right window have little white and red dots)
---> Wait until it's finished
---> Now click on First Frame Rewind(the button next to Play0)

second Deshakerfilter:
Menu Video -> Filters -> Add-> Deshaker3.0--> ok
Select in this window Pass2
--->edge composition ---> choose Fixed zoom
Then click ok

10th In the next window:remove the hook by Deshaker3.0 (Pass1)

11th Setting the video size
(in the same window)
Add -> resize ---> ok
choose the desired size of the video
and click ok

12th select the video codec
Menu Video -> Compression
Select Xvid MPEG-4 codec
--> Configure: here you can change the quality (I think 4 is a good choice)

13th save the video
F7 and then click save

I hope you can follow my instructions.

#2 Gunther
Thank you very much for the detailed description of your workflow. I'm sure it's going to help some people!
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#3 morostrips
It helped me. I just back from a session of photos with winds at 60-90 km/h. I had deshaker 2.7 on virtualdub but never used before, i usually use only deflicker, it worked great. thank you a lot!!!
#4 Patrick Bennett
Does anyone know of a "deshaker" app for Mac? Many of my early time lapses were done with a 500mm internal stabilizer on and get that slight out of adjustment between frames. Sounded like deshaker & virtual dub would work, is there a Mac alternative.

#5 Gunther
You could try deshaking in After Effects...
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