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Render and Export Errors

#1 helloiamrory
Hey Gunther and everyone else!

Congratulations on the new update! Many really good things in this one, very happy.

I have had export error messages on previous versions of LRTimlapse and I have posted about them before, and there never really seemed to be a solution. So I lived with it and just got used to having to re-render some of my timelapses when the errors happened.

I feel that in this new version I get the same errors as before, but more often. If I say run a batch of 5 or more timelapse renders from lightroom, I will forsure get one of the errors that I have attached. So I try keep the batch renders to under 5 at a time. This does give me less errors, but they do still happen.

Please see the attached.

#2 Gunther
Do you have installed the latest LRTExport plugin? (4.0.3)
Which Lightroom Version are you using?

The second screenshot looks like as if you are exporting into the same destination folder. Make sure, that all Sequences are in folders with different names, in order to get different intermediary output paths. Otherwise if different export tasks write to the same folder you'll definitely run into trouble.
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#3 helloiamrory
Hey Gunther.

I have the latest version of Lrtimelapse 4.0.3 and the latest version of Lightroom (6 or cc)

I always export to my desktop from my external so the destination folder is the same yes, but the source folder from which the export is happening is different with its own unique name, so this should not be happening correct?

#4 Gunther
No, the folder you set as export folder in LRTExport will be the main folder, this is normally the same for all sequences, the subfolders will then be automatically named like the source folders with the images. As long as those have different names everything should be fine.
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#5 helloiamrory
They are all different as they should be, but I still get the error as well as the other errors too.
#6 Gunther
I cannot reproduce this. Maybe you should then just not launch that many export tasks at once. With LR6/CC is doesn't make sense anymore to launch multiple exports because one export will already be multithreaded.
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