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Rendering problem

#1 Zoeperkoe
I am having problems with rendering longer sequences. The last one was 326 files, no HG or anything done in LRT and only some adjustments to exposure etc in LR. The 326 files are exported correctly, but during rendering LRT stops at file 252 (several times at exactly the same file). So the video is rendered (and I can play it without problems), but LRT doesn't use all the files in the folder.

Some other sequences with less images were rendered entirely without problems.

I read this thread: http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-expo...ing?page=2 (since it was pointed out to some people that it contained a solution) but I do not exactly see how it could provide the answer to the problem I am having.
#2 Gunther
Most likely it's something with the crops in your sequence.
Just try to exqulize them like it's explained here:

If the problems persist, please tell me what you mean with "rendering" - the 1st step while exporting from Lightroom or the actual rendering in LRTimelapse?
If the latter, please send me the log file: info-menu/show log.
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#3 Zoeperkoe
Thank you for the quick response!

I just tried again today after deleting all XMP files and redoing crop in LRT as you suggested. However, you say that there is an option in LRT to "Fill column downwards" by right-clicking on a Crop column header. I'm on a Mac and I can't find this option (no right-click, and ctrl-mouseclick doesn't show anything); where can I find it?

The rendering still doesn't work. The export from LR works just fine; there are 326 files in the export folder and they are numbered correctly. When I watch rendering progress in LRT it continues just fine until file nr 253, then it stops. No error is given, and the exported video file works just fine, except the last ~70 files are missing.

I will send you the logfile by email.
#4 Gunther
please check the image dimensions of the intermediary JPG files 252, 253, 254. I suspect, that they are not same size.

Right mouse on one of the table columns named with "crop" should work on mac as well. Another option would be to just synchronize only the crop in Lightroom and export again.
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#5 Zoeperkoe
I re-exported with the crop synchronized in LRT. I also checked the dimensions of files 252-254; they have the same dimensions as the rest. Rendering now stopped at file 254.

Finally, I rendered the movie in a lower resolution to see if it might be a memory thing, but it still stops rendering without any error message.
#6 Gunther
Another thing to check: are you using the right ffmpeg encoder? Check in the External Programs section of LRTimelapse settings. If you are on a 64bit OS (strongly recommended) the path should point to ffmpeg64.exe - if not, please change it!
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#7 Zoeperkoe
I am on a 64bit Mac. If I change it to "ffmpeg64" and render a video, it still doesn't render all jpegs.

Also, it doesn't seem to remember the change I make to the encoder. If I restart LRT it says that the encoder is "ffmpeg" again. So is there a way to change this permanently?

Finally, I rendered a random other sequence of 600 images and that was rendered without problem. So it does seem to be something with this particular sequence
#8 Zoeperkoe
Hmm this is getting really strange.

Another older 427-file sequence also did not render entirely. It got to file 300 or so.

Do you think that re-installing LRT might be an option?
#9 Gunther
On mac you shouldn't change that at all, this was for windows only.
Please try reinstalling the LRTimelapse addons from the installer package. Maybe another program exchanged the ffmpeg on your system.
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#10 Zoeperkoe
I re-installed the add-ons. This does not seem to have helped. I rendered the original sequence and it stopped at 246 images.

What's even weirder, I just rendered another sequence that I hadn't rendered before, and it not only stopped processing at 245 images, but it also skipped a few frames around the 50-image mark without giving an error message.

So I have now an old 600-image sequence re-rendered without problem, a 427-image sequence that I previously rendered without problems that now won't render completely, and two new 326 and 300-image sequences that are only rendered to ~250 images (in all cases the intermediate files are created without problem, with correct numbers and as far as I can tell with correct image sizes).

Unfortunately I don't have another computer where I could install LRT to see if the problem occurs there as well.

EDIT: today I rendered one of the problematic sequences with another program, and there it was rendered completely without any issuess.

...also check out: