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#1 FCerez
Hi Gunther,

I had some banding in a sequence recently, in a dark grey sky, the lighting of the sky was uneven, the center of the image going slightly clearer and then darker again (some distant artificial light i guess) and that resulted in circular banding which is quite noticeable.

i used some fairly good export quality :
4K / ProRes (high/422)  Motion blur medium / sharpen

in your experience does motion blur or sharpen increase the chance of getting some banding?

Thanks & best rds,

#2 Gunther
Motion Blur definitely DEcreases banding, since it smoothes the sequence giving the encoder more room.
Mostly banding occurs, if in some other of the image is heavy movement, for example waves etc. This take the bandwidth then, not leaving enough for the sky. Long exposures with ND filters help a lot too.
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