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Set “small aperture” not enabled. Error “small aperture is wider..” Sony A7iii qDDb

#1 chrisstratton
HI - I just updated the firmware in the a7iii about a month ago, loaded the Imaging Edge app and connect easily now, directly to the WiFI (never mind the Imaging Edge app). After UNCHECKING AHGrail, I was able to get to the APERTURE settings of the LRT screen of qDDB. I checked that. Now, when attempting AHGrail, I get the error “Small Aperture is Wider than Wide”. I am able to change the one aperture - just not the other. The camera is Sony A7iii, the lens is the APC 10-14. I am able to use the qDDB to change aperture for sample photos, just can’t operate the Auto Holy Grail. I must be missing a step??
#2 Gunther
This might be a bug related to Sony support, which you should report to Zoltan (developer of qDDB http://dslrdashboard.info ).
In the mean time, you can turn off Aperture Ramping in the settings on the LRT Page.
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#3 chrisstratton
Zoltan responded quickly!! By switching the "direction" from Sunset to Sunrise, I was able to change the widest and smallest apertures, and to launch AHG. I tried a few quick tests and didn't understand the results - of course, the fact that it kept dropping the connection to the iPad 6 is a distraction Smile. Now - I just need to devise a good test to verify that the 3 way AHG works on this camera!!

...also check out: