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Shutter speed behavior

#1 Joe_Belanger
I'm shooting with a Nikon D850 and was in Monument Valley doing some time lapse. At the end of the trip (luckily the last day) I noticed back at the hotel a lot of flicker. Was shooting Aperture priority during a sunrise. When trying to figure out the horrible flicker, I noticed that the shutter speed all of a sudden started to jump up then down every other shot. Not an LRT issue but was wondering if anyone knows what could cause that? Sometimes it works fine and others it does this.

Appreciate any insight you might have. I don't want to have to hassle sending this in to Nikon.
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
In every tutorial and my ebook I always recommend to shoot timelapse in M mode. The camera metering is not designed for timelapse and might lead to such behavior. Usually however, you should be able to smooth this out easily with LRTimelapse's Visual Deflicker.
This being said, often in A-Mode the luminance curve will be smoother than the "jumps" in the exif values indicate. That's why the exif values always are being rounded to 1/3 stops whereas the actual exposure the camera does will be somewhere inbetween. That's also why you see this oscillating.
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#3 Joe_Belanger
Thanks. I cannot get this same behavior on my other Nikon D850, only this one. I did just have some work done on the lens. Anyway. Thanks for the reply.
DNG vs ARW speed
2022-02-24, 01:16
Last Post: Ericb

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