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Significant difference between LRTimelapse visual preview and Lightroom

#11 Gunther
Do you have the latest version of LRTimelapse, Lightroom Classic and Adobe DNG Converter installed? Please make sure!

Then try a simple edit just with the internal editor, increase the exposure for example. Do you see the visual preview changing it's brightness?
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#12 Jburden14
#13 Gunther
You didn't answer my questions and didn't provide any further information about what issues you have. Please do. Just writing "bumping" won't enable me to help you.

Please provide information about the System and Versions of Applications that you are using. Also provide an example what's happening (scrennshot, or even better the original files with XMP data). You can send them via wetransfer or smash to support(at)lrtimelapse.com along with your info.
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