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Importing and file structure

#1 JessEiss
I've watched Gunther's new LRT7 video and the older LRT5 importing video. My question is, through LR, I import into Pictures > year > (whichever photography folder)> subfolder.

I understand I need a timelapse folder for these images to go into instead, directly under Pictures? Do I need the underscore like he shows of _Timelapse_raw, then _Timelapse_completed?

I haven't even imported images yet! What about all the images I took today, that have been processed through LR and timelapse was made in PS tonight?

#2 Gunther
No, of course you don't need the underscore. I only put that at the front to have those folder sorted to the top automatically.

My suggestion is to have to main folders to separate the Original images from the exported intermediate sequences and videos.
Inside the Timelapse Original, of course you can create a structure, like
  -- 2024
    -- 01 Namibia
      -- 20240102_19 Kolmanskoop
      -- 20240104_17 Soussouvley
    -- 02 South Africa
      -- ...
At the bottom level (like below 20240102_19 Kolmanskoop) you should then have one dedicated folder for each timelapse sequence.
Any folder with a timelapse sequence shouldn't have any subfolders.

The naming of the folders is up to you, but the suggestion that LRT does, makes sense because it puts the Year/Month/Date_Hour as prefix, which leads to a nicely chronological sort order.
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#3 JessEiss
Thanks Gunther. I'm watching your new video again, as I just took a series today and want to give this a try.

...also check out: