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#1 mikaelwester
Have not used Lrtimelapse in exporting from Lightroom.
Bur have started again because flickering decreases.
what I didn't like with the finished video using Lrtimelapse is the star trails.
As I understand it, somewhere, there is att setting that will minimise that.
Can' find it.
Search this forum and couldn't find anything about it.

I bought the timer finally and it has work without problems and since I started to use it.
work without problems. Noon stop for 8 month.
#2 Gunther
Trails only appear if you use the "Motion Blur" setting in the render dialog. Just dial that down and the trails will be less, if you turn it off, you won't get any trails. "Motion Blur" is best used with static timelapses, it will help to smooth everything out. But of course, with moving objects, you'll get trails.
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