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LRTimelapse 7.1 beta 1

#1 Gunther
Hey guys, this is the first beta of LRTimelapse 7.1 with some exciting new features, improvements and also fixes.

Please try it and give me your feedback! Especially the "Ignore Blacks/Whites" feature might be very useful for those of you doing stop motion timelapses with pure black or white backgrounds.

Also now you can turn off the usage of proxies on the fly. Proxies are a great time saver, but it turned out that for some very dark sequences that have been pushed a lot when editing, they might deliver inferior results when deflickering - which you would notice by having a smooth pink curve but still flicker in the exported video. That's why you can now turn the Proxies off via a shiny new button on the toolbar. And of course, this choice will be remembered on a per sequence basis.

Please test all this and give me your feedback. Best open up a new thread for each of your findings here in the beta forum! Thanks a lot!

7.1 beta 1
  • Feature: Added checkbox "Ignore Blacks/Whites" to Deflicker panel. This will trigger a recalculation of the luminance curve dimming the extreme areas of the histogram (Blacks / Whites). This might be useful for image sequences with large black or white areas to improve the deflicker. The setting will be remembered per sequence, also the default can be saved vie "Default Settings" on the deflicker panel.
  • Feature: New toggle button to switch between proxies and no proxies. By default proxy-mode is on for all sequences (the default can be changed in the expert settings). Proxies have the advantage of being way faster. However, with very dark sequences or sequences that have been pushed a lot, especially with non linear tools, proxies might not be as accurate and lead to inferior deflicker results. That's why you can turn the proxies on/off on a per sequence basis via the new button on the toolbar.
  • Feature: Added an option "Navigate to specific Folder" to the context menus of the directory trees. This allows to paste a full path and LRTimelapse will navigate there. This feature can also be triggered by clicking on the textfield for the Source or Destination folder.
  • Improvement: Equalize XMP data for Look, Preset, Tonecurves and PointColors on Auto Transition
  • Improvement: Importer would continue counting files in background when closed. It will be stopped now to save system resources.
  • Fix: Corrupted Sequence Properties files could crash the application.
  • Fix: Removed carets from the uneditable labels in the editor panel.
  • Fix: Corrected and localized error message in Render Dialog.
  • Fix: Recalculating the Luminance curves (for example when setting a different reference area) wouldn't respect the "constant" setting.
  • Fix: In rare cases instead one defined Reference area could be loaded on 2 different images creating two anchors. Removed the migration of Reference Areas from XMP (not used anymore since LRT5).
  • Fix: Keyframe Navigation and Sync Buttons did not activate when the very first or very last were not keyframes.
  • Fix: When syncing to the very first or last image, it will automatically be set as keyframe.
  • Fix: Localization for Render Selection only missing
  • Fix: When switching sequences, the sequence properties from the helper panels (like Deflicker Panel) would not always been taken over.
7.0.1 beta 1
  • Improvement: Deflicker ignores very dark and very bright areas. This should improve the Deflicker performance for images which very dark blacks and blown highlights.
  • Improvement: Histogram painting much better for images with very dark or very bright areas
  • Improvement: Batch Auto Transition now also allows to process subfolders
  • Fix: Error when invoking Batch Auto Transition on an empty folder
  • Fix: Error handling in LRTExport plugin when "Documents" folder is not correctly defined in the OS
  • Fix: Folder sorting issues in rare cases.
  • Fix: Some dialogs were too short on windows

PS: The beta will be auto downloaded if you have subscribed to the beta channel in the LRTimelapse setttings! Of course you can also download it manually via https://lrtimelapse.com/download/beta
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.

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