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Support for CUDA

#1 turnip26
Hi, I recently bought LRTimelapse and love the program and workflow. However, I am disappointed with the performance. Processing on lapses of 1000 images or more at 6000 x 4000 are very slow. I have an NVidia 1080Ti with CUDA, do you have plans to integrated CUDA and therefore boost performance in LRTimelapse?
#2 Gunther
Cuda wouldn't help at all with what LRTimelapse does. All the image processing is done in Adobe Camera Raw (so ask Adobe to increase performance). Currently in Adobe's Engine often processing is faster when Graphics Acceleration is turned off. I expect this to be improved with future updates of Lightroom / Camera Raw / DNG Converter.
For all what LRTimelapse does itself, it already does heavy parallelization of threads. To increase performance on your machine, you should go for a multi core processor, the more cores the better. Also fast SSDs will help. This will scale performance. Not the graphics hardware.

If you work on many large sequences a smart use of the batch features in LRTimelapse will definitely help. Check out my tutorial about "speeding up editing of multiple sequences" in https://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial/advanced
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#3 turnip26
Thank you Gunther for the detailed reply.

...also check out: