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Time-lapse duration

#1 JamesFaulkner
Hi everyone, my first time posting to the forum an I'll be the first to admit I'm a novice at this but something strange has happened to my current time-lapse. With around 500 individual images of a garden star trail, which I would expect the film to be around 30 seconds or so in duration once rendered. But for some reason the films are suddenly '3' seconds duration! Once rendered. This is very weird and I have no Idea if it's something I did, or a problem with the 6.2.1 Update?
So far I've tried reinstalling and it didn't work. Any help you can provide would be massively appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
#2 mopperle
Assuming that you followed the correct workflow and all of your 500 images have been processed correctly: what framerate did you set in the final "render video" dialog box?

#3 Cymro
500 frames at 30fps is 500/30=16.6 seconds duration
500 frames at 24fps is 500/24 = 20.8 seconds duration
#4 Gunther
Could you please rerender the sequence: go to File / Render Video, make sure "Render Existant intermediary Sequence (From Lightroom) is checked, then click on "Choose" and select the intermediary sequence that you exported in the previous attempt.
Now below the name of the sequence you should see the amount of images (500). It it's less, not all images have been exported.
If you see 500, proceed with rendering. If you see any orange warnings, take them seriously.
Now click on render and wait until it's finished. Check the video, 500 images with 25 fps should play 20secs. With 30 fps a bit shorter.
If the video is shorter, go to info menu / show log and post the log file here.
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#5 JamesFaulkner
Hi, sorry for the delay I've been I'll, the render frame rate was set at 30 frames per second but i often select half speed to double the duration of the films.
#6 JamesFaulkner
Thank you Gunther, sorry about the delay. I will re-try your advice today.
#7 JamesFaulkner
That did it Gunther, thank you very much. thank you every one else for your suggestions.

...also check out: