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Very slow creating Visual Previews

#1 Skylapser
Very similar problem as the one with Windows Defender (creating the exceptions solved that one) where the Visual Previews fail and or take a very long time.
I sent you the logs via email.
Windows 10 is up to date, LRTimelapse as well.
#2 Skylapser
One more thing,
I had to create this new account because the old one wouldn't work. Trying to generate a new password sent all the messages, but the newly generated password didn't work. Tried several times. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
#3 Gunther
Please check this faq for some troubleshooting: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-vis...w-previews
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#4 Skylapser
Hi Gunther,
I did read that before and tried all the suggestions, but none works. Windows defender has been dealt with and I'm using a thunderbolt 3 connection to an 8 bay NAS that is pretty fast and never gave me problems before (on the process of ruling this one out ATM). This is new behavior that wasn't there before. It was working fine last week.
Thanks again,
#5 Skylapser
Solved. There was one windows update that was failing for some reason. Solved that and now LRTimelapse is working again.
Sorry for all the trouble Gunther.
#6 Gunther
Hi, no problem, glad you solved it!

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