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Aborting the Visual Previews

#1 Photosbykev
Good Morning,

I've just updated to v4.3 on a win10 laptop and can report it is working beautifully Smile Great work as usual, but where is the 'abort Visual previews' option hidden?? When I saw this option on the new feature list I almost jumped for joy because generating the previews takes a massive amount of time lol

best regards
#2 Gunther
If you want to abort the visual preview creation, just click again on the "Visual Previews" button. But this is not new, has always been there... :-)

With LRTimelapse Pro, however, you have the option to right click on a folder and batch create the visual previews for that folder, or multiple folders. This process can now be aborted by clicking on the small X at the batch progress indicator. This is the "new" feature in 4.3.
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#3 Photosbykev
Well blow me over with a feather lol I didn't know that the Visual preview button acted as a On/Off toggle switch, maybe a tooltip in a later version for a visual clue please?

Thank you Gwegner

...also check out: