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visual preview is extremely bouncy

#1 Simon Plat
While working with the visual workflow the preview became extremely bouncy. I think it happend after a second visual deflicker. It is not in the originals, nor in the processed photos.

I can't think of  a way to share a visualisation of the issue.

Simon Plat
#2 Gunther
What exactly do you mean with bouncy? Please attach a Screenshot!

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#3 Simon Plat
How can I add a video?
#4 Simon Plat
to explane it a bit further: The photos in LRTimelapse seem to have their own specific crop after auto transition. So when playing the visual preview it's all bouncy and shaky. Before the auto transition they were OK. And in Lightroom they are OK too. Even after applying the meta information from LRTimelapse. 
Maybe related to autocorrection or autotransformation in Lightroom?
#5 Gunther
I guess it could be something wrong with the crop or aspect ratios of the keyframes. Please check this faq (it's the same reason): http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-rend...e-sequence
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#6 Simon Plat
Crop and aspect ratio is for all keyframes the same. So it doesn't sound the same as the problem you refer to.
I assure you it is totally weird behavior. The sequence is OK in Lightroom before and after handling in LRTimelapse. It is also good when I read the map again in LRTimelapse (original preview - no editing applied). LRTimelapse makes a perfectly fine movie, but the visual preview is going berserk. It is also visible when walking through the shots one by one.
Unfortunately I can't find a way to add photos or a video movie in this forum. I can send it through e-mail?
#7 Gunther
Yes, send it via email to support@lrtimelapse.com - please use a sending service such as http://fromsmash.com
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#8 Simon Plat
OK, a movie showing the shaking visual preview is on your way. Let me know if you like to receive a part of the sequence.
#9 Gunther
That's definitely not normal :-)
It bet on perspective correction or "upright" selected in Lightroom causing this - but them I'm wondering, why the Lightroom export doesn't show it.
Please do a test for me: install the latest Adobe DNG Converter (link on https://lrtimelapse.com/install/ )
Then load the sequence in LRTimelapse, check the columns - got to the right, check if any column is visible that you are not expecting (for example perspectiv, lens corrections, upright etc.) - if so, right click on the column header, then "initialize".
now hold shift, then click on save, then the visual previews will be refreshed. Check if the effect is gone.
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#10 Simon Plat
Problem seems to be solved.

I installed the latest DNG converter (quite sure I used an older one). I found one column that I was not sure what it did. After initialize column it disappeared. Name was something like ... Grad ...NC. Exp. Also initalized Deflicker since it overcorrected this sequence shot with automatic shutter. Refeshed the visual preview and the bouncing was gone. After a new deflickering the deflicker column reapeared, That misterious column did not reapear. 

Now what could have caused this? Maybe an older DNG converter combined with the newest version of Lightroom (6.8) or LRTimelapse (4.7.5) and some functionality like automatic transformation (Upright)?

Thanks Gunther

...also check out: