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What to do with a stuck file whose metadata never gets updated.

#1 shapeofforms
In my visual previews there's one file that always appear with stock metadata and the changes I made to it in Lightroom doesn't appear. When I check it in Lightroom, it looks just like other files, the problem only appears in LRTimelapse.

How can I solve this issue?
#2 shapeofforms
OK, resetting all metadata and deleting every xmp file, and .lrt folder and then doing grading all over again seems to have solved it.
#3 Gunther
Glad to hear that! Next time you can use "Clear Metadata" in the metadata menu for any loaded sequence or on the right click menu on any folder in the tree for any other sequencr (not currently loaded loaded) to reset everything to a clean starting point.
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#4 strongboxit
Try re-importing the file into LRTimelapse after updating metadata in Lightroom. If the issue persists, check for compatibility issues or contact support for assistance.

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