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When I edit a scene I get 5 frames with different color

#1 jccortina
I am editing a sunset scene of 200 photos, and when I try it in lrtimelapse it has a 5 frame jump in which the color and the contrast change. However, when I finish editing, in lightroom I get 4 of those frames with a correct color and contrast. And what is my surprise when I export the 5 frames in jpge and lightroom I export them with the wrong color and contrast that I quote.

I have tried to edit those frames separately by pasting settings from the previous photo and although the parameters are the same, I get a different color. Even when I see the photo in lightroom with the correct colors if I open it separately they turn me into the wrong colors.

I do not know what to do, help please. In the original RAW, there is no type of flickeo on my Nikon D750 camera and yet I am not able to fix it when I have the editing done.

Help me, please!!!
#2 Gunther
Hard to say what's happening there, but I guess, you might have done something wrong when editing.
Please check the editing tips here: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-whi...htroom-acr
Then restart from scratch with "Metadata/Initialize" in LRTimelapse, remove the sequence from Lightroom.
Do the workflow as described here: https://lrtimelapse.com/workflow/visual-workflow/
Don't do any manual copy paste to fix anything, this is never necessary when working with LRTimelapse.
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#3 jccortina
I'll do the test, then I'll tell you, thank you very much Gunter
#4 jccortina
I've tried, I've restarted the scene, and I've just copied the metadata from a photo of the scene I edited before, and nothing, I get the same frames of another color. I have uploaded the test here: https://vimeo.com/278009568

...also check out: