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When to remove items like birds

#1 kferris575
I recently shot a time lapse sunset holy grail and I had a few subjects like birds and a helicopter fly through the frame.  I used the light room spot remover to remove these objects just before I adjusted the key frames.  After I made the key frame and spot adjustments I saved the metadata to files. 

I then went back into LR Timelapse reloaded, did the auto transition and saved the files.  I then completed the process (visual previews, visual deflicker, save etc.).  I then exported the files and completed the video.  All of my changes to the key frames were included in the final video.  However, none of the spot removals were.  The helicopter and birds were still in the video. 

My question is, at what point in the process should I apply the spot removal to ensure that these adjustments are in the final video? 

The video link is here:


Thanks for the help
#2 Gunther
If you want to do spot removals on a single frame basis you'll have to do those at the very last step of the workflow (before exporting) - otherwise the auto transition will equilize those settings.
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#3 kferris575
#4 Volodymyr
I still haven't found the answer for my case in removing birds in the frames.
Should I remove them with clone stamp tool in Lightroom after finishing the whole workflow, and applying all metadata to the files from LRT to the LR?
Would it be easier to remove birds in AE rather than in LR?
Thank you!
#5 Gunther
I'd do it in AE - just load the LRT_* intermediary sequence into AE after finishing the complete workflow in LRT/LR - then remove the birds.
Now export as JPG or TIFF sequence with the same naming scheme, that LRT uses (LRT_00001.jpg/tif) and render with LRTimelapse.

But if you don't have AE you could do it in LR too - just at the very end of the workflow, before exporting via LRTExport do the stamping.
The only advantage of AE is, that you can stamp from one image to the next, this is not possible in LR.
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#6 Volodymyr
Thanks for the detailed answer,Gunther!
I do have AE, so I can remove the birds using AE.
The question is that I have birds appearing in some frames on the view not only sky, but also skyscrapers and other buildings..
Pretty much the same sequence as kferris575 included above in his 1st message.
A was trying to find a relevant tutorial on removing the birds in your timelapse sequence using AE, but didn't find anything helpful..
Can someone who dealt with the same kind of problem drop a link how to do it properly, mainly kferris575, have you found the way how to remove the birds in AE for your sequence?
#7 Gunther
You can just use the clone stamp in AE and stamp from one image to the next. Search youtube, there are lots of tutorials for AE available.
Next time shoot with long exposure times. It will not only lead to a smoother appearance but create sequences without any need for bird removal.
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#8 Volodymyr
Fixed. All the birds were successfully removed!
Thanks again, Gunther!

...also check out: