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#1 mikaelwester
I don't use the holy grail principle.
I make 24h Timelapse's and some times I leave the camera for a couple of days.

So changing White balance morning and evenings is not a option.
I got a Sony a7s.
I shot in aperture mode. With auto ISO between 200 and 3200(6400)
White balance is also on auto. A majority of the nights it does a descent work.
But sometimes it's awful.
It turns brown/yellow. Daytime - no problems.
If I start with white balance fixed.
Any option on a value thats reasonable for both nights and daytime?
(I live up north,
So the nights are not so dark during 4 month.
Then auto white balans is no problems.
It's more a problem during the dark period.
A lot of auroras and they turnout ok)

#2 Gunther
You need to keyframe the whitebalance. There is no "one setting" for WB during 24h. That's why we have the White Balance setting :-)
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