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Full Version: Copyright overlay position
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I would like to post some of my work on facebook or other social media.
It would be nice if i can change Copyright overlay position to lower left or lower right of the footage.
Currently i have to reimport LRT JPG to lightroom to add Copyright information in the JPG and reexport with LRtimelapse.
Could you please add option to reposition "Copyright overlay" and some option to vary the size of the overlay.
The overlay in LRT is not a "Watermark". It's meant to be able to quickly send over high resolution samples to clients that they cannot really use before paying. It's not something that is meant to be visually appeaing.
This is a very different purpose than a signature.
I'm not a huge fan of signatures on videos since the a) they won't prevent people stealing your work and b) they just distract the viewers from the content.
If you really want to do that, better do it in a video processor, where you would also add music, cut multple scenes etc.
But if you think about it once more, maybe you'll also come to the conclusion that it's maybe better to just not do it at all.
OK, I will do it in video software. Thank for your comment.