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Full Version: Interaction with qDslrDashboard
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What I really would like is if I could set up qDslrDashboard to set the exposure properly and then use the knowledge of the ideal dark frame time to tell the intervalometer to set the right interval each time. That would turn this from a nice intervalometer to an indispensable one.

No ramping manual settings needed. It is all handled in one place by the tablet.

Connect via:
BLE (ideal and probably the lowest power option)
USB micro <-> micro (android only support is fine)
Is there any roadmap for something like this?

I want a super reliable real-time system to do the intervalometer operation and a high performance system to process the image data. But obviously there has to be some channel of communication from the system setting the shutter speed and the system triggering the shutter release.
(Ideally the system on the tablet could set any setting on the intervalometer. But just the interval would be a start.)

Also, it would be ideal if there was a way of setting a shutter speed addition that would allow the camera to save the image.
interval time = shutter_speed + image_save_time + af_time + etc
Currently there is no way for the LRTimelapse Pro Timer to knowing the exact exposure time, if it has been set on the camera.