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Full Version: Long Term and Plant Growth Timelapse with Pro Timer Free LT-TL
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Hello Gunter, hello guys,

not only because I was brought up with the subject of long term timelapse several times with time control, but also out of my own interest, I decided to develop a special variant (LT-TL) of my PTFM2. For this I have integrated an RTC in the PTFM and also an adjustable power supply for the camera. This means that the camera can be powered by the timer via the battery dummy during the TL. This power supply for the camera can also be switched in the interval pauses with pre-run and post-run.
Since plant growth timelapse also belongs to the Long Term TL category, I have also implemented this function. The RTC is used to time a plant lamp (day / night simulation) and a photo lamp is also switched on during the recording.
You can find more information in the attached PDF.

The basis for this timer is Gunthers Pro Timer Free. I still make the software available free of charge. The hardware is a specific development, based on an Arduino Mega and other modules. It would certainly be possible with a lot of effort these modules and components e.g. to interconnect on a perforated grid circuit board, but that can quickly end with big problems and frustration. For all those who can handle the soldering iron a little better, I offer to put together kits (all materials including PCB, assembly plan and dimensional drawing). The components used do not require a special soldering tool!
But I can also offer fully assembled printed circuit boards, which then only have to be installed in a housing.

Some of these TL timers are already in continuous use. The software is already in good condition, but I'm still working on it, which is why I haven't yet made it available here.

If interested, just PM or email me.

Best regards,
I would be interested to know how many days in a row you run your camera like that. With my Canon there is an internal overflow of a timer at 24 days. This then leads to sometimes strange effects.
Hello Jörg,

since the camera can be switched off, in between the intervals (setting) this should not be a problem.

Regards, Hans
Hi Guys,
here is a link to a plant growth timelapse produced with the LT-TL timer and the equipment as described. Due to the constant lighting conditions, very little reworking with LRTimelapse was necessary.
Hallo Hans

Wirklich eine super Sache bin begeistert. Ich hadere seit einiger Zeit mit den Dingen die das nun lösen würden Wink

LG Tinu
Hallo Tinu,
danke für dein Feedback. Das Kit zum bauen des PTF LT-TL gibts hier:
Gruß, Hans