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Is it possible to export Auto Holy Grail time lapse sequence data to Excel so I could graph it and inform myself on how to improve my next time lapse. The useful data would be time, file name, aperture, ISO, shutter speed and interval. Maybe LRTimelapse does this already but I haven't found it in the menu's.

Love using LRTimeLapse and LRT Pro Timer, great products!

Thank you
Currently there is no Data export, but I'll think about it.
Quote: Is it possible to export Auto Holy Grail time lapse sequence data to Excel so I could graph it and inform myself on how to improve my next time lapse. The useful data would be time, file name, aperture, ISO, shutter speed
You could do it with the EXIFTOOL simple like
Quote:exiftool -csv -n E:\temp >EXIFDATA.csv

To further expand on c_joerg's reply, the exiftool command to extract and save the information you requested is as follows;

exiftool "-createdate" "-filename" "-fnumber" "-iso" "-exposuretime" f:\imagefolder -csv -n p:\temp>EXIF.csv

Change the drive letters (f:\ and p:\) to suit and ensure the image folder name does not contain spaces. Finally change the EXIF.csv to a new name as required.
Download the folder, extract and change the file name from exiftool(-k) to just exiftool
Open a CMD window and navigate to where you saved exiftool and then run the command.
In Excel, create a new column and create the =SUM(1/F2) formula to convert the exposure times.

I don't have another camera brand to check with so may need to change the tag names ("-createdate") etc to suit your camera.
Use this command to extract everything available in the image file;

exiftool f:\imagefolder -csv -n p:\temp>01.csv

I hope this helps,
Lightroom itself stores metadata information for each image, providing a comprehensive view of details like aperture, ISO, shutter speed, and more. Leveraging Lightroom's library module, you can easily filter and organize images based on this metadata. This functionality goes beyond just photo management; it aligns with the principles of CRM data enrichment. Once you've identified the images of interest, consider exporting this enriched information from Lightroom in a format compatible with Excel for further analysis and integration.