LRTimelapse Forum

Full Version: Shooting day-to-milky way
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I would like to shoot a time-lapse from the golden hour to Milky Way using qdslrdashboard.
From my experience the preferred values should be be around 20’’ and ISO 3200.
Now, can I generally rely on the Auto NTC function - will it eventually lead me up to my desired night settings?

Thanks in advance.
Yes, auto NTC works well. But of course you'd need to know what you are doing and how to operate qDslrDashboard. It's always the photographer that is responsible for good or bad results.
So what exactly is your question?
Hi Gunther, thanks for replying. I've read a lot about Holy-Grail time-lapses and watched many of your YT tutorials before asking a question in this forum.
Since I installed LRT I've shot numerous 2-3h day-to-night transitions using qDslrDashboard with auto NTC.
Because we had no clear skies these days I couldn't bring it any further. What I've noticed though is was a slight tendency to underexpose at the end of the sequence.
So I was concerned if could leave to the auto setting or should do some adjustments to the NTC value according to my goal (20", ISO 3200).

I have another question. Does pointing a camera on a subject, which is going to be artificially and brightly lit during the blue hour (a castle for instance), require special setting in qDslrDashboard like defining a reference area?

Thanks a lot!