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Full Version: Ability to split holy grail sequence for long (sunset to sunrise) timelapses
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It would be amazing if you could split the holy grail feature into 2.
I run a lot of timelapses over ~24 hours, that include both sunset and sunrise.

At present that makes the holy grail keyframes unusable, because fixing one seriously screws up the other.

It'd be amazing if one could split the sequence in 2 and handle sunset and sunrise individually.

Btw, amazing software!

Hi Boris, you can. Just select the second part, right click on a selected line in the table and do "New folder from selection".
Make sure to remove the sequence from Lightroom before you proceed editing both folders separately as usually.
Tip: you can ctrl/cmd-select both folders in Lightroom and use the sync script as usually even across the folders.
When editing the keyframes in Lightroom you need to make sure that the last keyframe of the first part matches the brightness of the first keyframe of the last part.
You'd do that by keyframing the exposure, because the holy grail adjustments won't necessarily match.
Save Metadata and continue the workflows for both parts separately in LRTimelapse.
Now you can either render each part separately
or you move the images from the second part back into the first folder. Easiest would be to do this right in Lightroom before exporting/rendering then you'd not need to synchronize the folders.
Let ke know how this works for you.