LRTimelapse Forum

Full Version: I think we need updated instructions for LRTimelapse 6
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Hii I think we need updated instructions for version 6. Version 5 instruction ont really fitting for V6.

Also kindly note that you V6 feature video cant be found on your you tube channel. I can find it.

I am sure yet but after editing images in Lightroom when LRTimelapse automatically reading modified files there might be some issues. LRT updating images but sometimes on or two images not re-adjusted so I cant activate deflicker icon. Is there something I am missing.
First of all: LRT6 is in beta. That's why instructions are not updated yet and also the video is not listed. I can only do one thing at a time and currently the main goal is to get LRT6 stable in all environments, that's why I appreciate any feedback here in the beta forum.

LRTimelapse will only read changes automatically if you have Visual Previews activated and after you save Metadata in Lightroom. So usually that's no issue. In any case after editing keyframes in Lightroom or LRT itself, you need to apply the Auto Transition and possibly save in order to have the visual previews generated.

If you keep getting Visual Previews that don't develop (so that you can't activate Deflicker) please check this faq:
I updated the instructions to reflect the changes in LRTimelapse 6. Please let me know, if anything is missing.
Also I've started updating the tutorials.