LRTimelapse Forum

Full Version: How do LR and LRT process my files.
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Hello all,

I'm a newbie, both to this forum and also to both LR and LRT. So Hi! to you all.
I'm struggling to understand how the two programs operate together, what work I've done between the two doesn't seem to have taken effect. Changes made in LR are there, but the LRT stuff doesn't seem to have affected my final video.
My question is this... I have pointed both programs to the same source folder. Do I need to point LRT to my Lightroom catalogue instead?
A brief explanation of the way it all operates would be useful as the videos seem to pass over this aspect quite quickly,

Thanks. My apologies if I've missed this in another thread.
Hi, both programs operate in the same folder. Nothing to do with the LR-Catalog.

Here is a step by step description:
If you get stuck anywhere please let me know and we'll try to sort that out. Please note that you won't see visual changes the image appearance in the LRTimelapse preview window, you only see them in Lightroom after reimporting .
Thanks G,

Where I was going wrong was the saving process and the reading back of the metadata created in LR or LRT, (I wasn't doing this) now I understand how the changes get passed back and forth between the programs. By the way I bought the Pro templates, they're great. Have you considered building a 6FPS? I found this parameter very useful for Wheatfields etc.