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I am using Nikon D800 e and D 700 for my timelapse works.

first when i am open my folder , always getting an issue about non ASCİİ characters.

So, while i am click yes ( i dont mind ) i have no keyframe and workflows can t found anything. especialy flickers.

For this i change folder name look like ' gh ' look like this , and also my photo ' s name , only number ' 1 ' for example. But the issue is still going on.

i watch your videos about workflows but i don t have any keyframe still ...

what sould ı do for this exif data issue ?
The problem is the name of the parent folder, it has non ascii characters.
Please try renaming it to something else (normal ascii characters) and try again. Exiftool will otherwise fail.
Thank you for your answer..

I copied the folder on desktop than i take no issue, thank you !

I think before this is my problem but i still dont have any changing about deflicker or holly gray tools...

İn your videos program found lots of keyframes about flickers or etc ,i have flicker also in my works but no keyframe Sad what is the problem ?

PS : works about flovers blooms time lapse in studyo
The sequence from your example does not has flicker nor is it a holy grail sequence.
Maybe you would like to get my ebook just to learn which workflow to use for which situation:
Thank you for the ebook, absolutely i ' ll read it.

While i am working with par flashes, they don't give the same light result on every photo, because of this work result is the same.
one photo is little bit dark, the next is lighter..and it is going on look like this. I dont want this 'light jumps ' in my work...

I want to understand clearly, please.

I have anything to do in my ' light jumps ' with LR Timelapse or not ?

Thank you...
This is best dealt with the deflickering option. Just use the deflicker workflow. There is a tutorial explaining how to deflicker in the tutorials sections, make sure to watch that.
I watched your video again and step by step applied.

Please watch the result , I used deflicker on the video... Sad

What's wrong with ?

It's certainly not good - but it's hard for me to say anything about the reasons because I don't know what you did exactly.
Normally the results should be way better.
Maybe you would like to get my EBook to learn a bit more about how deflicker works, and how you might improve your results with the 2-step deflicker approach. I'm sure once you learned how to use the tools you will get better results.