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Full Version: LR filling up my C-drive with image copies to _MISC
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In LRTimelapse 3.3 (Windows 7), I choose the File Import menu and point to a directory containing TIF files. LRT then copies all of those files to my C:\Users\<username>_MISC directory. My C-drive does not have enough space to do this, and when it runs out of space LR then starts creating files of 0 bytes, slows to a crawl and eats all of my memory.

1) Does it need to take a copy of all of the files? They are 120meg each!
2) If it needs to do the copy, how can I point it to another drive with more space?

I think you are misunderstanding the concept. The Importer is only used to copy files from a memory card, that are not already on the harddrive.
If sequences are already on the harddrive, you just open them from the Folder-Tree (not importer) and not copy them at all. It's not like Lightroom where you always have to import into a catalog.

Tiffs are not supported by LRTimelapse at all. Please use Raw-Files, DNGs or JPGs.