LRTimelapse Forum

Full Version: Ability to select range of images
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It might be nice to be able to select a range of images to load into LR-Timelapse, instead of the whole directory. That way if you wanted to go back and just change a few images, you would not have to wait for the entire image range to load. In other words sometimes I just want to change 40-50 images out of 1200, it would not have to wait to load and analyze the whole range.

Along that lines it might also be nice to be able to load multiple directories, but that is not a big issue.

Hello Alan, you can abort the 2nd loading step (preview) if you only want to change some images. After that you can select the images you want to change.
The only thing that will not work on a selection is deflicker, because for the algorithm it's important to see the "context", means the images around the selection as well.