LRTimelapse Forum

Full Version: Shouldn't change F-stop, correct?
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I'm working on assembling a timelapse now and have hit a road bump. The shot was going from dusk to night and instead of making a change in the exposure, I opened the F-stop. Would it have been better to change the exposure?

I'm assuming so because in LRTimelapse where I have the auto keyframes at the spike, the Match Total Exposure in LR still doesn't make the images look the same, even with all the other parameters the same. The color of the sky doesn't match up between those two frames.

Any help or a suggestion is appreciated. I'm assuming I can't fix the F-stop adjustment.

BEFORE F-stop adjustment

AFTER F-stop adjustment
The problem is not that you changed the aperture (however I wouldn't recommend doing so - using exposure and iso ist the better option).
But for that examples the highlichts in the second image are just totally blown. By pullig back exposre or highlights here in LR, you just get a grey sky.
Try to expose way more to the left (darker) for subjects like this. Even the first image seems to be overexposed. You'll never be able to match exposures then.
That makes sense. Thank you so much for the reply.