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Full Version: TL-MR 3040 WLAN stopps....solved
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just purchased the TP Link adapter withPHOTEC Firmware. Unfortunately Router stops transmitting WLAN after 1 min, starts again after some time, drops signal again.....logged into laptop or not, no difference.

Anybody experienced the same? Set-up issue?  As said, does happen independent if DslrDashboard is connected or not...

Thx for the feedback


(PS hope this is correctly posted)
Sounds like maybe another router in the surroundings might be using the same channel. If there are loads of WiFi connections in your area, TPLink might be to weak to establish a connection.
(2015-09-06, 14:48)gwegner Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like maybe another router in the surroundings might be using the same channel. If there are loads of WiFi connections in your area, TPLink might be to weak to establish a connection.

Hallo Gunther,
danke für die schnelle Antwort
danach habe ich dann mal geprüft, unsere Heim Wlans sind uf Sündern Kanälen  plus der Router direkt neben dem Laptop.

Aus anderen Threads habe ich gesehen, das die neue Firmware unter IP anzusprechen ist, das klapp auch. Wenn ich dies unter "DHCP and DNS" im Network Menü richtig lese, ist DHCP da eingestellt? Kann da ggf ein Fehler liegen?

Läuft eigentlich unter der neuen Firmware auch noch die Möglichkeit, einen 3G/4G Webstick anstelle der Kamera anzuschliessen und den Router in seiner normalen Funktion zu betreiben?

Danke und viele Grüsse,

This is the english board, so I will reply in english.
You could try to fully reset the router and reinstall the firmware from , check the option to not keep the old settings. Maybe that helps. Don't know about the surf stick.
(2015-09-06, 22:20)gwegner Wrote: [ -> ]This is the english board, so I will reply in english.
You could try to fully reset the router and reinstall the firmware from , check the option to not keep the old settings. Maybe that helps. Don't know about the surf stick.

ok... Router reflashed... no changes....

But testing showed that the WLAN linked from my Laptop to the router (without camera attached) worked for a longer period, 30 min plus.

Anytime hooking the camera and starting Qdslr, after one minute wireless collapsed.

Switch to QDSLR 32 bit showed the solution: To whatever reason the 64 bit version did not cooperate with my Aspire ES1-111 (win7 / 64 bit).

In cas somebody experiences the same challenges.

Thx to Gunther for the support and to Zoltan for the great App