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Full Version: there was an error encoding the video
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first - love the app! genius solution!
I just got the pro templates and presets - and noticed that everytime i want to export above 1K i get this error:

[Image: videoerror.png]

if you need anymore info please let me know Smile
funny thing! if I set both preset and template to the same FPS i works? could you make an 15fps too?
I'm getting this exact same error. This also happens when I do anything but 720p, and I don't work in 720p. I can't figure out what you mean by setting both preset and template to the same FPS. Help?
(2012-04-23, 23:38)kennethknudsen Wrote: [ -> ]Hey!

first - love the app! genius solution!
I just got the pro templates and presets - and noticed that everytime i want to export above 1K i get this error:

[Image: videoerror.png]

if you need anymore info please let me know Smile

Also, it should be noted that I was perfectly able to use this preset before, and have been exporting video all along until yesterday. I have no idea how to fix this. I've been all over Lightroom 4, looking for answers.

I'm going to send all customers of the PRO templates new version very soon, were this is fixed.