LRTimelapse Forum

Full Version: Best way to deflicker surf scenes.
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Noob here, first post, hello all.....

What's the best way to deflicker surf scenes where I get the occasional big white wave that affects how LRT interprets the Luma?

Would it be to select a static area of sky to refine the flicker?

I tried that but still have a little flicker.

It's not LRTimelapse that's causing those problems, it's Lightroom that edits images with different contrasts in a different way although they have the same develop settings. To be honest: I'd avoid to shoot too close to the shore. The footage is mostly very uneasy and unpleasant for the viewer. So just step back and try to not having those waves too prominently in your scene.

But yes: setting the reference are to the static area of the frame and using a couple of deflicker/refine steps is your best option. Avoid sing the context avare tools like dehaze, clarity in Lightroom too, see: