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Full Version: Holy Grail Not Working
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Okay, so this has probably been brought up a dozen times already, but i couldn't find an answer with the search function....(and i'm sorry for this)...but WTF is up with the holy grail wizard?!?  Since LR4 this thing has been an absolute mess?!  It will not apply keyframes properly and NEVER EVER EVER actually applies the proper transitions between keyframes?!?

IE tonight i did a simple timelapse of sunset with 1 exposure adjustment.  Should be simple right? and it used to be with 3....

I've attached what it reads in my preview window in LR after i've made my keyframe (manually created btw...since the wizard is terrible now), to the screenshots below. Notice it's, what should be , a smooth transition compensating for the keyframe and "holy grail" adjustment....

As you're supposed to do, i've read all the meta data in from LR, i've then applied the "auto transition" within LRTimelapse, and then hit save for the metadata to go back into LR....well...the second attachment is what my transition looks like now AFTER LRtimelapse metadata adjustments and auto transitions....

Before the auto transitions, i've gotten EVERY key frame (again...manually created....can't express my frustration here enough), set to be a super smooth transition ....but then this new and improved plugin butchers it all.....UGGGGGH i'm just about to be done with this software!!!!

PLEASE tell me that i'm an idiot and simply missed a check box or button somewhere that makes this work like it used to in 3.x and it's all my fault?!?  PLEASE?!
The HG Wizard did not change. It just does it's job if you do things right.
But your keyframes are wrong.
1) Use the keyframes wizard first, don't mess with the 2*/3* keyframes! They need to stay as they are. It will be a pair of those on every adjustement of the camera that you did.
2) the Holy Grail wizard will create a mirrred (orange) curve to the blue curve for the adjustments, if not, something is wrong with the keyframes or the exifdata.
3) Bring the orange curve to the middle
4) This should all look good before going to Lightroom - but when you go to Lightroom, make sure to use the Sync script to bring the settings from one keyframe to the next (this changed from Version 3, see )
5) next time please cool down a bit before asking for help. It would make it a bigger pleasure for me to help you.

Another tip: don't do such big adjustments next time. You'll get better and faster results, if you do 1/3 stop adjustents.