LRTimelapse Forum

Full Version: "NIL" Plug-In Not Installed or Functioning" on MAC in Export, WTF?
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Please help,

On my old MacBook / LR / LRT everything worked perfect. Now that I have a new Mac, I just installed LR-CC and LRT for my first render on the new computer, and... well, there is no "scripts" option at the top to sync frames, I instead just right-click the images and select sync (not even sure I am supposed to, since the scripts option in the LR4 tutorial is not in the LR-CC that I downloaded). The filters are also named different than what is on the tutorial.

When I try to export, I get a message saying "The 'Nil" plug-in is not installed or not functioning properly".


Previously I was not using LR-CC, just the standalone LR program out of the box that I installed.

Please help?

It seems that LRTimelapse is not correctly installed with all plugins and addons for Lightroom.
Please check the install instructions, and reinstall:

I installed updates to LR CC and it seems to have fixed the issue. Very odd, thanks