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Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - Printable Version

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RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - crdeantonio - 2016-10-25

I could not agree more with this PRO feature request for the Rhino EVO.  I purchased it as my first motion rig and although it is nice and portable, simple setup, etc., I didn't realize the limitations it presents in its "move-shoot-move" (aka Advanced Time Lapse mode).  Bummer...

RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - aaube - 2016-10-29

Just got an email from Katie, Customer support at Rhino CG.  

She confirmed me they're working on an update, for the motion controller, which will allow
the introduction of intervals.  The time frame for said update is 3 to 4 weeks.



RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - richparry - 2016-10-29

I'd like to see the exact text of your email, please cut and past it here. Here is a very different email I got less than 48 hours ago.

We truly appreciate your suggestions and the time you to took reach out to us. This is definitely something we have discussed and are aware of. While there is no immediate firmware update to allow a PRO mode, I am unable to comment on future builds of Motion at this time. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any other questions.

Katie Cunningham
Customer Support Specialist

RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - aaube - 2016-10-29

This is part of the exchange i got with them;


Katie Cunn Katie Cunningham (Rhino Camera Gear)

Oct 28, 2:15 PM PDT

Hello Alain,

Thank you for confirming that information. I truly appreciate the time you took to reach out with that information. I spoke with our developer regarding this issue and he confirmed the firmware update we are currently working on will allow you to manually change the interval which should resolve this issue. We have an estimated release date of 3-4 weeks for the firmware update. In the mean time it has been suggested to decrease the playback time which will in turn increase the interval of your time lapse. I'm also attaching a video made by our developer, while it was made for the A7S it might help to clear any confusion regarding the Motion controller. Again thank you for reviewing this issue with us. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any other questions.

Katie Cunningham
Customer Support Specialist
Rhino Camera Gear, LLC

Oct 27, 5:44 PM PDT

Hello Katie,

Thanks for taking the time. I really appreciate!

I understand perfectly what you’re saying.
This might help explaining my point further though;

The problem is that none of my cameras (i own several) can remain consistent shot after shot (and i believe no camera could anyway).
For example, if a set an exposure of 5 seconds, the controller will simply trigger the camera every 5 seconds for the duration set within the controller.   In theory it is all nice but in practice, once in a while (more often the shorter the exposure), the camera will be force to skip a frame here and there.

Lets say in the above exposure scenario, you end up with 500 shots. All of them are not 5 seconds apart. Some will be 10 seconds apart because the camera will not have had time to save it on the memory card consistently shot after shot. The end result is of course a movie with parts that have what looks like an acceleration during playback. On average, for every time-lapse I've done (with the Rhino controller), i have between 5 to 10 drop frames for every 500 i shot. (Much more if i go for a several minutes clip...) This phenomenon occurs more often toward the end of a sequence as the camera understandably gets warmer.

This is why it is preferable to set an interval slightly longer than the exposure. That way, you would be sure you get a consistent result simply by letting the camera digest more easily the stream of data's coming its way and thus, a much smoother clip could be generated (lets face it, no DSLR were really designed for this!...).

So far, from experimentation, i have found that an interval of 2 to 3 seconds higher than the exposure does the trick.

That being said, one could always use an external intervalometer (or DSLR dashboard, or Pulse, ect...) to trigger the camera but by doing so, the ‘’stop, shoot, move’’ mode of the controller is lost...
...and i really like that capability!


RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - crdeantonio - 2016-10-30

Hahah it looks like everyone that has contacted their support thus far, including me, has spoken to "Katie."  She's most likely THE support and I don't think she has much time lapse photography experience.  It's clear that she's doing the best she can with reading from a few knowledge base articles.

RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - kimjelly - 2016-11-21

I was wondering if this problem has been fixed? Any news yet?


RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - crdeantonio - 2016-11-21

Not to my knowledge, but you can always contact their support.

RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - aaube - 2016-11-21

I think it would be a *very good idea* to contact them.  Just so they take this a bit more seriously...


RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - crammond - 2016-11-22

Since this is a thread about Rhino - can somebody help me or check it out with their equipment if it works for them?

I've got a brand new Rhino motion and my Canon 5D mk2

If I select advanced TL and for example set it to :

shutter: 1/30s (I wish I could set this up to 1/500 if needed - any idea if this is possible and I'm just blind?)
timelapse duration: 2h
timelapse playback duration: 10s

Than I set my camera's shutter to 1/30 on Manual mode (canon 5d2)

I start the TL and the slider moves, the counter says I'm already taking pictures but my Canon is dead silent. It is not triggering the camera.

***I did notice it kinda works with shutter speeds of 1/15 or longer (1/13, 1/10,....1, 2, etc..). It starts triggering the camera most of the time (although on the 2nd picture, not the first) and if it doesn't I can manually press the shutter for the first one and then the Motion picks over and takes it from there).

From what I can say, if I don't change the playback time duration the motion kit seems to be working but that means 120 seconds playback time = 3000 photos which I do not need...

Any ideas?

I've tried different cables going from the Rhino motion kit to the Camera itself, I've tried different settings, I tried different order of turning on/connecting all devices but to no luck.
This are test done at home where I have the time to mess around but I can't be out in the field and trying to hit the right settings combination so I can start working.

I couldn't get my hands on a different Canon camera (hopefully tomorrow I will) but considering it is working ok if I leave the "factory" settings I doubt it is the camera. Also the Rhino Motion is brand new, just taken out of the box. Firmware is the latest, v 1.28

Any ideas? Can anyone for the fun of it set it as above:

shutter (on camera and on Motion): 1/30
timelapse duration: 2h
timelapse playback duration: 10s

And tell me if it works for them? If the problem will exist with 2 different Canon cameras I may have a faulty unit?

Also, anybody has any idea what a capital N means? It shows up on the Motion controller sometimes, in the lower part where you see how many pictures have been/need to be taken.

RE: Anyone using the Rhino Motion for TL? - crdeantonio - 2016-11-23

Hey - I think I remember watching in one of their tutorials to set your camera's shutter to Bulb mode when controlling it using their advanced mode.  You can also just try calling their support line.  Katie should pick up (pretty sure she's the only support person Smile

If you do speak with her, tell her she still owes me a refund for the Arc that kept jittering on me!