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Before I deflicker, should I back up my jpegs? - Printable Version

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Before I deflicker, should I back up my jpegs? - Rodney_Ninow - 2012-07-31

Forgive this newbie question, I am totally new to LRtimelapse and have only been doing time lapses for a few months.

I shoot my time lapses in JPEG and occasionally (for whatever reason) I choose to shoot in aperture priority instead of manual. So I get flicker.

Before I use LRTimelapse to rewrite the metadata to my jpegs, should I back them up? Does LRTimelapse actually change the JPEGS?

As I am typing this question, I feel like the answer has come to me, but can you confirm. LRTimelapse just changes the meta data, which LR4 reads, but it is not making changes to the actual jpeg. Is that correct?

RE: Before I deflicker, should I back up my jpegs? - screamer - 2012-07-31

I'm quite new too, but if i understood well LRTimelapse can manage only raw (or dng), and not jpg. But i'm not shure at all, anyway i suggest you to shot always in raw and with the maximum resolution you can, there's always time to go down with quality, and the modern storage is not so small (a 16gb card can store more than 500 18mp raw files)

RE: Before I deflicker, should I back up my jpegs? - Rodney_Ninow - 2012-07-31

For now, I am shooting my time lapses in JPEG. LRTimelapse does work with jpegs. I like to shoot really long time laspses, more than 2000 images, so jpeg works ok for me.

RE: Before I deflicker, should I back up my jpegs? - Gunther - 2012-07-31

@Rodney: you are right. LRTimelapse works with JPGs. And you are as well right: LRT only changes the XMP data of the JPGs not the Image-Information. However the Adobe rules say that for JPGs XMP is written right into the files so physically LRT is indeed changing your files - even if it's only the metadata part. But this is pretty standardized and Lightroom does it when saving Metadata as well and Bridge does it all the time.

I for myself havent encountered one single case where a JPG has been corrupted in this process so I don't backup them before using LRT. But that's up to you!

@Screamer: I second your recommendation to shoot in RAW.

RE: Before I deflicker, should I back up my jpegs? - screamer - 2012-07-31

So the jpgs works. But now my question is, why jpg works and tiff dosen't?
or i understood wrong?

because yesterday i had to convert a lot of tiff in dng, quite a boring activity Smile