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cropping doesn't seem to work. - Printable Version

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cropping doesn't seem to work. - Boris_H - 2021-03-03

I've been trying to get the cropping in a timelapse to work, and it's driving me crazy.
I made the tests more and more simple, but the outcome is always the same.

I use LRTimelapse 5.4 (last version that actually works on my MAC from 5 years ago, everything else requires newer systems), and I am using Lightroom6, which SHOULD be covering this feature.

However,, I can not get the crop to work.
Here's what I do:
- In my sequence (~150 images), I set 4 key frames
- I set an additional CROP keyframe somewhere in the middle (The point of this test is how smooth LRTimelapse would do the 'curve')
- I got to Lightroom, I don't actually edit any photos, other than crop on first and last image, and on the extra crop image. Save, reload in LRTimelapse
- Now I see the crop boxes in all 3 images.
- I create the auto-transitions.
- And suddenly all crops are gone, everything is on the same crop of the first image, so the interpolation and the panning doesn't seem to work.

Is this a bug?
What am I doing wrong?

When I only set the crop in the first and last image (without any xtra crop frames), it works.


RE: cropping doesn't seem to work. - Gunther - 2021-03-03

Here is an faq that explains how to animate the crop:

Also, normally the latest LRTimelapse should work on your system. You just might have to install the Apple driver as explained on the install page:

RE: cropping doesn't seem to work. - Boris_H - 2021-03-03

Thanks for your reply.

I followed that post indeed, but with the results described above.
(In case of 3 crop frames) Initially, I can see the boxes in the respective frames, but once I do the auto transition, they all vanish and everything sticks to the crop given on the first image.
I tried about 5 times, following the same procedure as with 2 frames (which works), but there seems to be an issue somewhere.

I have MacOS 10.12.6, which seems to old for the newest version (LRTimelapse called for an update a few days ago, but the version did not work on my system after the update, so I had to go back to an older version that I found on the website. I think it's older than the one that was installed before the update, though.)
I just tried this again, with the explicite extra package on Mac, and it still doesn't work (Pop-up window asks for 10.13).
(No worries, I am generally happy with the version I have. And a new laptop will arrive soon (work laptop, which is also why I can not update easily), and I still have a Windows PC where the newest version DOES work)

By the way, this is also a problem with the newest DNG version that LRTimelapse tries to install everytime it starts. It's also not compatible with that MacOS version.


RE: cropping doesn't seem to work. - Boris_H - 2021-03-03

Having said that (and maybe that is the problem here), I find it unclear.
You say:
- 4* images are only used (and are the only ones used) for image editing
- 5* are only used for cropping. Additionally, the first and last image are used (always). However, then you say somewhere that the first and last images would have to be made 5* images, so you're contradicting the previous statement. Would that not explicitely excluded them from the image edits?

What I did it NOT making the first and last as 5* images, so the image editing works, and only put ONE 5* image in the middle.
In all 3 images I can see the crop initially. But it gets removed.

RE: cropping doesn't seem to work. - Boris_H - 2021-03-03

Ok, I tried this with setting the first and last to 5*, and it indeed behaves a little confusing.
When I reload everything in LRTimelapse and do the auto transition, the CROP is animated, but the image edits from the first and last image are ignored in the little preview, (and all neighbouring frames are also not adapted properly). Only once you force the visual preview, they are properly taken into account.
Indeed, in that case BOTH the boxes and the editing are then taken into account.

So, in the end it works like that, but the behaviour at intermediate steps is confusing.

Thanks, I will use that from now on.

cropping doesn't seem to work. - Gunther - 2021-03-03

The first and last should be 4* (Will also automatically act as 5*) only if you want to have more than 2 keyframes for crop, you need additional 5* in the middle.

The edits are always only applied visually in LRTimelapse after activating visual previews.
Distinguishing between 5* and 4* keyframes is important because it allows you to animate the crop independently from the other edits.

Sent mobile...

RE: cropping doesn't seem to work. - Boris_H - 2021-03-03

With the first and last images being 4* the behaviour is described as above.
With first and last as 5*, everything seems to work, they are used for both image edits and crop.