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Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - Printable Version

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Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - jrg63 - 2022-01-04

I'm having an issue with sequence playback in the b5. It plays a frame, then pauses and advances the cue about double the distance, plays back another frame, and so on. The overall effect is very jerky playback which can't be used for previewing the timelapse. The steps to reproduce are:

1. Clear all LRTimelapse edits by going to the parent folder and selecting Clear all LRTimelapse edits from the right-click menu
2. Click on the folder to load and let it go through the intialization process
3. Clicking Play at this point produces frame by frame playback
4. Click on keyframe wizard. I selected 2 keyframes, 1 at the start and 1 at the end of the sequence
5. Click Save
6. Drag the Drag to Lightroom button onto Lightroom and import the sequence
7. I applied Auto Tone and 30 Clarity on each of the keyframe
8. Went into grid mode, clicked on Save
9. Went back to LRTimelapse
10. Clicked on Auto Transition
11. It calculated the Auto Transition and then started generating all the visual previews and updated the pink line on the preview
12. When it finished creating the Visual Previews, I clicked on the Play button below the preview to preview the sequence. It displayed the same stuttering behaviour
13. If I drag the cue back and forth, it seems like all the visual previews are present and the previews are rendering correctly

This is repeatable, I've been able to replicate it on 2 sequences using these steps

RE: Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - jrg63 - 2022-01-04

1. I continued on in the process and clicked on Deflicker, used the default of 10. When the Deflicker was complete, pressing play would exhibit the same stuttering.
2. If I click on the little circular button to generate previews for all images, it appears to be doing something but the only thing changing on the screen is that the Visual Deflicker button flickers very briefly about once per second. After about 30s it starts to flicker more quickly and it just keeps flickering and nothing appears to complete
3. If I click on the Visual Deflicker button, it expands to show the panel but then almost immediately closes again

RE: Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - Gunther - 2022-01-04

The second one fist: deflicker is not meant to be applied in the "Visual Previews for Keyframes Only" mode (that's where the deflicker Panel currently closes). In the next version, deflicker button will be disabled when that mode is active.

The first thing you reported, that the playback "stutters" or doesn't play in the right order seems strange to me since the playback will happen in the order of the table.
I've tried to reproduce what you wrote in your step by step instructions but couldn't. Maybe you could try to narrow down what's happening. For example: are you sorting by Capture Time or Filename. Is the table really in the right order after coming from lightroom.
If you play back, make sure to have nothing selected in the table to play back the whole sequence from the start.
Maybe you could isolate a simple scenario or even send me a short sequence where I could reproduce this.
If you need to send files, use WeTransfer or and send to support(at)

RE: Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - jrg63 - 2022-01-05

Hi Gunther - I sent you 2 fromsmash transfers. The first is the stuttering example with a larger sequence. The 2nd contains a 50 image sequence where I could reproduce the issue. I tried with a 20 image sequence but was unable to reproduce it. I also included a video of the steps that I went through to reproduce the error. Let me know if you need more info or data

RE: Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - jrg63 - 2022-01-05

After watching the behaviour for a while, it is playing the visual previews in the order that they were generated. As my machine has 64 threads, the visual previews are not generated sequentially but in blocks as one of the changes is multi-threading the generation of the previews. When it does play them, it appears to be playing ever 64th frame rather than every frame.

RE: Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - Gunther - 2022-01-05

From what I see in your screencast (thanks btw for the good documentation) it's just playing back very slowly and thus skipping frames. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce that behavior on my system with your sequence.
I've already sent you an email.
What I'd like to see is:
- The log after that happens (info menu / show log)
- Does it also happen with color management disabled in the settings (need to restart LRT after disabling).
- Does it also happen with regular raw files (you seemed to be working with HDR DNGs)
No need to do any reediting for the testing. Just load the sequence you already have and play it back.

RE: Sequence playback stuttering after Auto Transition - Gunther - 2022-01-06

Should be fixed in Beta 7.