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LRT6 Questions and Suggestions - Printable Version

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LRT6 Questions and Suggestions - nknick1235 - 2022-01-05

I don't have the beta, but just watched your YouTube video and plan on purchasing the new version.

One question I had is in regard to the flickering. Previously if you used dehaze and clarity tools in lightroom you'd get a lot of flicker in your sequences because lightroom applys these settings to one photo at a time. Does the internal lrt6 apply these settings the same way, or rather to the entire sequence as a whole?

Either way, I think it would be incredibly helpful in the future to have the option to apply settings to the entire sequence, or individual photos also the editors choice. I think it would allow us to push the edits further. I'm not sure this is something that's possible?

Will gradients and lens profile corrections also be included in lrt6 internal editor. I think that will be super helpful as well.

Thanks for your hard work on this. I really look forward to using the new software!

RE: LRT6 Questions and Suggestions - Gunther - 2022-01-07

The editing in LRT is uses the Lightroom tools (it's all on Metadata/XMP Basis). The Lightroom engine will do the developments. There is no difference. Clarity and Dehaze sometimes work in a non linear way, there are ways around it, as I explained in my Expert Tips Video #5:
Gradients and Lens profiles will most likely not be integrated into the internal editor. It's for basic tools only - for the full workflow you should go via Lightroom.