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Holy Grail Flickering - Printable Version

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Holy Grail Flickering - berndlauter - 2022-01-26

Hello, I recently shot several manual HG sequences (D2N) of a train station with wide angle lenses with trains passing close to the camera, so there are big luminance differences in the foreground from one frame to the next (no changes in the sky and the surroundings). Basically it´s the differences are like shooting lightning during a thunderstorm. After applying the HG workflow and visual deflicker there are still big luminance differences in the sky. I tried setting reference areas, but that made it only worse, although in these areas there are no luminance changes at all. I also tried resetting all edits several times, didn´t help. At first I thought it´s because of some tools in LR, but the flickering also appears, when the only editing after applying the HG wizard is lens and CA correction. Technical: raw images taken with Sony and Canon, lenses Sigma 20/1,8, Sony 12-24/4, HG in 1/3 stops, LRT 5.8, LR CC v11, Camera Raw 14.1 on Mac OS 10.15.7. Does anybody have an idea how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance! Cheers, Bernd

Holy Grail Flickering - Gunther - 2022-01-26

Please check out my expert tips tutorial #5:
There I explain what you are experiencing and how to fix it.

RE: Holy Grail Flickering - berndlauter - 2022-01-26

Hello Gunter, thanks for your help! I tried reediting the sequences, and it happens even if I work on a "virgin" sequence, straight out of camera, with no edits at all except for lens correction - no white balance, exposure, clarity or anything else, just the settings from HG wizard ...

RE: Holy Grail Flickering - Gunther - 2022-01-26

First of all make sure to have set the right "Masks" version in the LRTimelapse Settings according to your lightroom version, otherwise the Holy Grail Wizard and Deflicker won't work.

Also many cameras don't write accurate Exif Values that correspond 100% to the visual brightness of the images. So it's normal to have residual "steps" in the pink visual luminance curve, even after applying the Holy Grail wizard. The final smoothing will happen with the Visual Deflicker, that works visually and not only on metadata as the HG Wizard.

RE: Holy Grail Flickering - berndlauter - 2022-01-27

Thank you, Gunter, now it worked ;-) I tried different sizes of reference area and deflicker settings, I ended up with Multi-Pass (4x) and a strength of 15, now it looks great! Thanks again for your help and I can't wait to try version 6 ;-) Best regards, Bernd