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B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Printable Version

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B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Patrick Bennett - 2022-01-26

Working on a TL with Holy Grail, get to the Visual Previews and it first did 3% and stalled. Restarted LRT and it seemed to get to around 20% then just stopped creating Visual Previews. Just tried again, stopped VPs at 25%.

Mac OS Monterey, Intel

Support request from Patrick Bennett, Patrick Bennett Photo | Motion, Seattle, EMail:
License for: LRTimelapse 6, License type: professional, Payment reference: 8N316727VV922805U, Valid until: Unlimited for LRTimelapse 6

2022-01-26 10:49:53 [DEB] Created Log file: /Users/patrick/Documents/LRTimelapse
2022-01-26 10:49:54 [INF] Reading settings from /Users/patrick/Library/Application Support/LRTimelapse/LRTimelapse.config
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] LRTimelapse 6.0 beta 12 (2022-01-24) Build 774
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] (c) 2022 Gunther Wegner
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF]
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] Java version: 16.0.1 (64bit) from AdoptOpenJDK
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] Running on: Mac OS X locale: en_US
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] OS Version: 11.1
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] Found 8 processor cores.
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] Java runtime: 64 bit
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [INF] Licensed to: Patrick Bennett, Patrick Bennett Photo | Motion, Seattle - Professional License.
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [DEB] Registered Tiff-Reader: com.sun.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReader@d3957fe
2022-01-26 10:49:55 [DEB] Registered Tiff-Reader: com.twelvemonkeys.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReader@56303b57
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [INF] Restricting folder tree to:
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [INF] [/Users/patrick/Pictures/_pbpRAWtimelapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-A/pbpTimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2017pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2018pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2019pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2020pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2021pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/LaCie-5TB/Assignments/1101-1150_2021-2023/1117-NFT-TL, /Users/patrick/Movies/LR-Timelapse-Outputs, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/LR-Timelapse-Outputs]
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [INF] Loading directory structure
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [DEB] Initializing directory chooser
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [DEB] Start path: /Users/patrick/Pictures/_pbpRAWtimelapse/20220126_MSC-Ship_TL-A
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [DEB] Building user interface
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [DEB] Building Table
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [DEB] Setting header renderer
2022-01-26 10:50:00 [DEB] Register cell editing
2022-01-26 10:50:02 [DEB] Updating column widths
2022-01-26 10:50:02 [DEB] Create table popup
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Enabling drag-drop
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Done creating UI
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Creating UI-bindings...
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Preview Color Management activated.
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Loading sRGB profile: /usr/local/LRTimelapse/profiles/sRGB.icc
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Loading Rec.2020 profile: /usr/local/LRTimelapse/profiles/REC2020.icc
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Loading Monitor profile: /Library/Colorsync/Profiles/Displays/Color LCD-175CFE0E-D1A0-10DC-4168-EAB9721CAF2A.icc
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Checking for render tasks in: /Users/patrick/Documents/LRTimelapse/LRTInterface.txt
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Launching ExifTool: /usr/local/LRTimelapse/exiftool
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [INF] ExifTool: 12.33
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Exif Tool available.
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] DNG Converter available.
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] MPEG Encoder available: /usr/local/LRTimelapse/ffmpeg
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [INF] Detected 2 screens:
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [INF] Screen 1: 1680 1050
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [INF] Screen 2: 2560 1440
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Setting window position
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Starting version check...
2022-01-26 10:50:03 [DEB] Showing UI
2022-01-26 10:50:04 [DEB] Initializing import dialog...
2022-01-26 10:50:04 [DEB] Cleaning up temp dir
2022-01-26 10:50:04 [DEB] Using temp-dir: /var/folders/pp/rlhzb_2n7jdd1bnqyvpgm1l40000gn/T/lrt_3002437636394421028
2022-01-26 10:50:04 [INF] Latest Version of LRTimelapse: 6.0.0 (2022-01-24), installed Version: 6.0 beta 12 (2022-01-24)
2022-01-26 10:50:04 [INF] Locating last selected folder...
2022-01-26 10:50:04 [INF] ...done locating last selected folder.
2022-01-26 10:50:05 [INF] Restricting folder tree to:
2022-01-26 10:50:05 [INF] [/Users/patrick/Pictures/_pbpRAWtimelapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-A/pbpTimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2017pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2018pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2019pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2020pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2021pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/LaCie-5TB/Assignments/1101-1150_2021-2023/1117-NFT-TL, /Users/patrick/Movies/LR-Timelapse-Outputs, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/LR-Timelapse-Outputs]
2022-01-26 10:50:05 [INF] Restricting folder tree to:
2022-01-26 10:50:05 [INF] [/Users/patrick/Pictures/_pbpRAWtimelapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-A/pbpTimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2017pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2018pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2019pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2020pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/2021pbp_TimeLapse, /Volumes/LaCie-5TB/Assignments/1101-1150_2021-2023/1117-NFT-TL, /Users/patrick/Movies/LR-Timelapse-Outputs, /Volumes/pbpTimeLapse-B/LR-Timelapse-Outputs]
2022-01-26 10:50:05 [DEB] ...done initializing import dialog.
2022-01-26 10:50:06 [DEB] Installed Version of Adobe DNG converter: 14.1 (14010000)
2022-01-26 10:50:06 [DEB] Latest Version of Adobe DNG Converter: 14.1.0 (14010000)
2022-01-26 10:50:06 [DEB] Memory: [max|13104] [used|533] [free|12571]
2022-01-26 10:50:13 [INF] --- Loading directory: /Users/patrick/Pictures/_pbpRAWtimelapse/20220126_MSC-Ship_TL-A
2022-01-26 10:50:13 [DEB] Loading sequence properties from /Users/patrick/Pictures/_pbpRAWtimelapse/20220126_MSC-Ship_TL-A/.lrt/
2022-01-26 10:50:13 [DEB] Detected a Masks 2.0 sequence.
2022-01-26 10:50:19 [DEB] Finished loading XMP data in 6 sec.
2022-01-26 10:50:19 [DEB] CR2 sequence with 621 images loaded.
2022-01-26 10:50:19 [DEB] Memory: [max|13104] [used|1095] [free|12009]
2022-01-26 10:50:19 [DEB] Buffer size for ExifTool: 62
2022-01-26 10:50:19 [DEB] Sequence shot in manual mode
2022-01-26 10:50:19 [DEB] Timestamp Data complete!
2022-01-26 10:50:20 [DEB] Sequence processed with LRT 6.0 beta 12, Build 774
2022-01-26 10:50:27 [DEB] Done loading previews.
2022-01-26 10:50:27 [DEB] Memory: [max|13104] [used|746] [free|12358]
2022-01-26 10:50:30 [DEB] Detected a Masks 2.0 sequence.
2022-01-26 10:50:30 [DEB] Checking and fixing XMP values
2022-01-26 10:50:30 [DEB] Done loading previews.
2022-01-26 10:50:30 [DEB] Memory: [max|13104] [used|1109] [free|11995]
2022-01-26 10:50:39 [DEB] Calculating Auto Transitions
2022-01-26 10:50:39 [DEB] Buffer size for ExifTool: 0
2022-01-26 10:50:39 [DEB] Sequence shot in manual mode
2022-01-26 10:52:48 [DEB] Done loading previews.
2022-01-26 10:52:48 [DEB] Memory: [max|13104] [used|1136] [free|11968]

RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Gunther - 2022-01-26

Yeah, I've also noticed that in Beta 12 still have been some issues. Especially on Mac. I'll release beta 13 soon. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for reporting.
For now, try turning off Visual Previews and turn them on again. If that doesn't help, switch to another folder than come back to this one and reactivate the VP. If nothing helps, go back to 5.8 until I've fixed this.

RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Patrick Bennett - 2022-01-26

Not long after I posted it worked all the way through to 100%. Thanks for your efforts!

RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Zorro - 2022-01-28

I noticed it stopped happening after I lowered the number of cores from 16 to 14 (on an i9 MacBook Pro)

RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Gunther - 2022-01-28

The next beta will be more stable in this regards. Will release it in the next days.

RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - dadebue - 2022-01-30

Apple M1 MacBook Pro 2021 (M1 Pro) on macOS Monterey 11.2

Following up on this: I've got a really strange behaviour now. I've edited a sequence with LRTimelapse 6 Beta 12 and the visual previews could not be generated. I tried switching folders, restarting LRTimelapse and changing the thread count. Nothing worked!

So I uninstalled LRTimelapse 6 and went back to 5.8. But the problem still persists and the visual preview can not be generated. DNG Converter is installed ([2022-01-30 11:47:37] ERROR: Could not check version of Adobe DNG Converter)
Here is the log:

Support request from *********** E-Mail: ***************
Lizenz für: LRTimelapse 6, Lizenztyp: professional, Zahlungsreferenz: *********************, Gültig bis: Unbegrenzt für LRT 5.x

[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: Log file was created at: /Users/marco/Documents/LRTimelapse/LRTimelapse.log
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: Documents folder at: /Users/marco/Documents
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] DEBUG: Loading settings from /Users/marco/Library/Application Support/LRTimelapse/user.props
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] DEBUG: ICC-Profile defined in settings doesn't exist. Turned off color management.
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: LRTimelapse 5.8 (2021-12-18) Build 725
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: (c) 2022 Gunther Wegner
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO:
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: Java version: 16.0.1 (64bit) from AdoptOpenJDK
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: Running on: Mac OS X locale: de_DE
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: OS Version: 11.2
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: Found 10 processor cores.
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: Java runtime: 64 bit
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] INFO: Licensed to: ***************
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] DEBUG: Registered Tiff-Reader: com.sun.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReader@56f0cc85
[2022-01-30 11:47:28] DEBUG: Registered Tiff-Reader: com.twelvemonkeys.imageio.plugins.tiff.TIFFImageReader@3a3e78f
[2022-01-30 11:47:31] DEBUG: Launched worker with 10 threads.
[2022-01-30 11:47:31] INFO: Loading directory structure
[2022-01-30 11:47:31] DEBUG: Initializing directory chooser
[2022-01-30 11:47:31] DEBUG: Building user interface
[2022-01-30 11:47:31] DEBUG: UI scaling factor: null
[2022-01-30 11:47:31] DEBUG: Building Table
[2022-01-30 11:47:32] DEBUG: Setting header renderer
[2022-01-30 11:47:32] DEBUG: Register cell editing
[2022-01-30 11:47:33] DEBUG: Updating column widths
[2022-01-30 11:47:33] DEBUG: Create table popup
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Enabling drag-drop
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Done creating UI
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Creating UI-bindings...
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Preview Color Management not activated. You can activate it in the Settings.
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Launched worker with 10 threads.
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Checking for render tasks in: /Users/marco/Documents/LRTimelapse/LRTInterface.txt
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Launching ExifTool: /usr/local/LRTimelapse/exiftool
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] INFO: ExifTool: 12.33
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Exif Tool available.
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: DNG Converter available.
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: MPEG Encoder available.
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] INFO: Detected 1 screen:
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] INFO: Screen 1: 1512 982
[2022-01-30 11:47:35] DEBUG: Setting window position
[2022-01-30 11:47:36] DEBUG: Starting version check...
[2022-01-30 11:47:36] DEBUG: Showing UI
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] DEBUG: Initializing import dialog...
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] DEBUG: Cleaning up temp dir
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] DEBUG: Using temp-dir: /var/folders/yh/q11mmnrx4bj7m21b0l255mg40000gn/T/lrt_17596491198614893524
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] INFO: Locating last selected folder...
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] INFO: ...done locating last selected folder.
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] INFO: Latest Version of LRTimelapse: 5.8.0 (2021-12-18), installed Version: 5.8 (2021-12-18)
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] ERROR: Could not check version of Adobe DNG Converter
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] DEBUG: Memory: [max|26208] [used|269] [free|25939]
[2022-01-30 11:47:38] DEBUG: ...done initializing import dialog.
[2022-01-30 11:47:47] INFO: --- Loading directory: /Users/marco/Pictures/2022/Ziegspitz/Timelapse
[2022-01-30 11:47:47] DEBUG: Loading sequence properties from /Users/marco/Pictures/2022/Ziegspitz/Timelapse/.lrt/
[2022-01-30 11:47:54] DEBUG: Switched to Masks 2.0.
[2022-01-30 11:47:54] DEBUG: Backup Snapshot "MASKS_1" already exists, skipping backup.
[2022-01-30 11:48:11] DEBUG: Finished loading XMP data in 23 sec.
[2022-01-30 11:48:11] DEBUG: ARW sequence with 761 images loaded.
[2022-01-30 11:48:11] DEBUG: Memory: [max|26208] [used|2991] [free|23217]
[2022-01-30 11:48:11] DEBUG: Buffer size for ExifTool: 76
[2022-01-30 11:48:11] DEBUG: Sequence shot in auto mode
[2022-01-30 11:48:11] DEBUG: Timestamp Data complete!
[2022-01-30 11:48:12] DEBUG: Sequence processed with LRT 5.8, Build 725
[2022-01-30 11:48:28] DEBUG: Done loading previews.
[2022-01-30 11:48:28] DEBUG: Memory: [max|26208] [used|2914] [free|23294]
[2022-01-30 11:48:31] DEBUG: Detected a Masks 2.0 sequence.
[2022-01-30 11:48:31] DEBUG: Checking and fixing XMP values
[2022-01-30 11:48:31] DEBUG: Done loading previews.
[2022-01-30 11:48:31] DEBUG: Memory: [max|26208] [used|3150] [free|23058]
[2022-01-30 11:48:40] DEBUG: Calculating Auto Transitions
[2022-01-30 11:48:40] DEBUG: Buffer size for ExifTool: 2
[2022-01-30 11:48:40] DEBUG: Sequence shot in auto mode
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04667.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04663.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04972.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04666.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04994.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05139.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05071.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04995.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04666.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04994.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05139.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04663.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04972.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05071.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04995.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04667.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05140.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05140.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05138.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:14] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05138.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04673.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04673.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05236.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05236.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05167.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05167.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05360.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05360.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04981.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04981.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05235.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05235.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05422.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05422.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05359.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05359.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05358.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05358.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05234.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:49:45] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05234.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05071.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05071.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04677.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04677.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05140.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05140.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04683.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04683.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04995.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04995.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05206.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05206.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04972.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04972.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05139.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05139.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04994.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04994.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05138.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:15] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05138.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04981.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04981.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04693.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04693.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05167.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05167.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05360.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05360.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05236.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05235.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05236.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05235.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05422.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05359.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05422.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05359.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05234.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05234.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05358.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:50:46] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05358.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05071.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05071.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04703.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04703.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04972.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04972.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04995.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05140.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04995.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05140.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05206.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05206.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05139.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05139.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04687.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04687.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04994.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04994.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05138.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:16] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05138.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05360.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04713.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04713.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05360.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05422.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05422.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05234.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05234.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05167.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05167.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04981.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04981.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05235.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05359.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05235.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05359.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05236.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05236.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05358.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:51:47] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05358.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05220.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05220.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04723.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04723.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05252.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05252.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04664.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04664.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04697.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04697.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05165.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05165.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05209.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05209.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04671.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04671.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04668.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04668.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05206.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:17] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05206.ARW tried 3 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05070.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05070.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04662.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04662.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04674.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04674.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04733.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04733.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05069.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05069.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04707.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04707.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04665.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04665.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04681.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04681.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04678.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04678.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05166.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:52:48] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05166.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04684.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04684.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05220.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05220.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05252.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05252.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04743.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04743.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05165.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05165.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04717.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04717.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD05209.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD05209.ARW tried 2 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04691.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04691.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04688.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:18] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04688.ARW tried 1 times.
[2022-01-30 11:53:19] DEBUG: Run into DNG Converter timeout.
[2022-01-30 11:53:19] ERROR: Error creating visual preview for MRD04996.ARW
[2022-01-30 11:53:19] WARN: Error loading visual preview for: MRD04996.ARW tried 1 times.

RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Gunther - 2022-01-30

Obviously LRTimelapse cannot coommunicate with your DNG Converter.
[2022-01-30 11:47:37] ERROR: Could not check version of Adobe DNG Converter
Please make sure that you have the latest version of the Adobe DNG Converter installed, you'll find the download on
Also allow "Full Disk Access" to LRTimelapse and the DNG Converter:
Restart the computer, try again.

RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - dadebue - 2022-01-30

Looks like my Adobe DNG Converter installation was somehow broken. Reinstalled the same version and now preview generation is working again (5.8 and 6 Beta 13)


RE: B12: Visual Previews keep stopping - Gunther - 2022-01-31

Glad it's working now!