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DNG vs ARW speed - Printable Version

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DNG vs ARW speed - Ericb - 2022-02-17

Hi there,

Excited for the speed increase of LRT6!

Has anyone run trials on which workflow is more optimized for speed -

*leave files as native ARW (Sony RAW) throughout (faster import)
*convert to DNG at import via LRT

Seems like the import + convert takes longer at the beginning, but maybe working with the DNG's is faster overall in the processing?

Thanks for any input!

RE: DNG vs ARW speed - Gunther - 2022-02-18

No, working with DNG is slower. If you can, always stay with the original Raw files.

RE: DNG vs ARW speed - Ericb - 2022-02-24

Thanks for the response Gunther! I appreciate it.