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How to bypass color correction without using keyframes - Printable Version

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How to bypass color correction without using keyframes - KramerMD - 2022-03-26

I want to color adjust the images in LR bypassing the LRT keyframes option. Due to having a Timelapse of over 8 months long.
I watched the video LRTimelapse - Advanced Keyframe Synchronizing - Expert Tips #7, but still confused.

Will LRTimelapse update the LR corrected files when not using keyframes?

Can I bypass keyframes LRT all together with LRT showing the updated previews in LRT?

I did the above CC in LR but the CC corrections are not displaying in LRT. How do I update LRT for the corrected previews to display?

RE: How to bypass color correction without using keyframes - Gunther - 2022-03-26

Hi Mark,
I don't understand exactly what you are trying to do. You want to edit all images in the same way?
Basically then you would need to use one keyframe on the first images and do all edits there.
Then you would use the normal workflow.

For such long term projects I'd recommend using the special long term filters, please watch my long term tutorial on this page:

PS: Posting in the forum is sufficcient. Please don't send the same question via different channels (Email), as you did. Thanks.

RE: How to bypass color correction without using keyframes - KramerMD - 2022-03-28

The project is over several months with constant lighting changes. Using 1 keyframe doesn't work with so many changes in the lighting day by day or week by week. I want to manually color correct the images in lightroom and bypass the keyframe option in LRT if that is possible or if there is another way to accomplish my task!

RE: How to bypass color correction without using keyframes - Gunther - 2022-03-28

LRTimelapse is designed to save time when editing. That's why it works with keyframes. Every keyframe marks one image that gets edited, images between keyframes will usually be calculated automatically, that's one of the main purposes of LRTimelapse.
I cannot imagin that ou would like to manually every single image in a sequence of hundreds or thousands of images.
I'm aware that with long term timelapses there are those shifts in hue, contrast and brightness. That's why we have the "Filters" in LRT which allow to filter out unwanted images by that criteria. Usually a raw long time sequence has way too many images anyway. At the end you can then use deflicker and "Motion Blur" to smooth everything out even more.

If you don't want to follow that approach and really want to edit every single image, I suggest you do that in lightroom and then directly export and render from there or at least don't click on the Auto Transition.
As I said, LRTimelapse is designed to work keyframe based and I know of no one that has attempted to edit every single image. That's why such a workflow officially doesn't exist.