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Can I Edit multiple Values in a Column Simultaneously? - Printable Version

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Can I Edit multiple Values in a Column Simultaneously? - ALP2022 - 2022-04-01

Dear Gunther,

I see I can initialize a column (for example, exposure) within the LRTimelapse interface and/or edit individual column values one-at-a-time by double-clicking on them.

Is there a way to select multiple images and apply, for example, the same exposure value to all the selected images?

I realize I can copy and paste metadata across multiple selected images, but that would change all metadata values, not just (in this example) exposure.

Can I Edit multiple Values in a Column Simultaneously? - Gunther - 2022-04-01

You can set the exposure for the very first image, the right click on the column header and select "fill down". This will bring that exposure value to all images.

Also check my expert tips video #3 about the manual transitions, itight be useful for you too.

RE: Can I Edit multiple Values in a Column Simultaneously? - ALP2022 - 2022-04-01

Thank you -- that's helpful. I was going to ask if there is a way to populate data in the opposite direction (bottom to top), but I realized I can just copy column data to the top image and then populate down. Smile