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Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - Printable Version

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Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - thenibster - 2022-04-25

After updating to the latest everything, I've encountered a problem. LR Timelapse cannot make auto transitions. I've tried everything, nothing works. I might be, that when white balance is set to 'As Shot' in Lightroom, that LR Timelapse cannot handle this metadata information.

Has anyone else encountered this, and found a solution? Thanks.

RE: Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - thenibster - 2022-04-25

I can confirm, it's the White Balance. When I leave it 'As Shot', LRT simply show '?' as that value, but only AFTER I click on it. Before clicking on it, the correct value is in the column.
Is there a fix for this issue? Thank you.

Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - Gunther - 2022-04-25

Sorry, I don't understand. After clicking on what? Could you please describe exactly what you are doing?

RE: Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - thenibster - 2022-04-26

So I'm trying to make a Timelapse, day to night. I've been testing doing several days. Each day has 300 photo, in different folders.
I load the folders in LRT, make key frame, save the metadata.
In LR I read metadata, edit the keyframes, save metadata to files.
In LRT I reload the files, and try to calculate 'Auto Transitions'.

The first three days worked perfectly. But all the subsequent folders do not work. I just get the message 'Couldn't calculate transitions'. I've tried everything, from uninstalling both LRT and LR. I've removed all metadata from the photos, I've tired creating new DNG's with Adobe DNG converter. I always get that message, 'Couldn't calculate transitions'.

To confirm, the exact same process works perfectly on the first 3 days - three different folder with 300 images in.

The only thing I can see that's strange, after I press 'Auto Transitions', with the error message on screen, in the background I can see the keyframe have '?' in the columns for WB Temp and WB Tint.

If I change the white balance away from 'As Shot' to any custom value, then I do not get the error message, and the process works.

So it appear LRT cannot read a white balance value when the preset is 'As Shot'.

Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - Gunther - 2022-04-26

Which kind of files are those?
You are talking about converting to dng. This is only necessary if you shot jpgs. If you shot raw it's not.

Could you put together a small test sequence where this happen, and how zip it and send it to me via wetransfer or smash?

Send to support(at)

RE: Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - thenibster - 2022-04-26

They are initially GPR - GoPro RAW files. However, before starting any editing, I convert to DNG with Adobe DNG converter.
Thank you, I'll send you the files now. Much appreciated.

Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - Gunther - 2022-04-26

Can you try with the original Gpr files?
Imo it doesn't make sense to convert them to Dng anyway.

RE: Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - thenibster - 2022-04-26

The DNG conversion is an important part of the workflow. The GRP files are extremely slow to work with, DNG's are much faster. I also decrease the resolution of the files during the conversion, which saves a huge amount of disk space and again improves performance.

Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - Gunther - 2022-04-26

I'll do some tests with those files.

RE: Auto Transitions Error - Couldn't calculate transitions - Gunther - 2022-04-27

I can reproduce the issue with your files. This will be fixed in the next update.